Monday 24 May 2010

A day in May

Back from my trip to the beautiful and slightly eerie Pacific Northwest and I am inspired. I am also jobless, as of the end of April. This could be an interesting combination. Photos to follow...

Today I had delicious ice cream with a friend who told me that her brother was particularly small as a young child and so his mother taught him to hold his arm straight up whenever he crossed the street (after looking both ways, of course). That way people in cars might be able to see him. It also reinforced the idea that the street is not an extension of the sidewalk. He did that until he was six. Isn't that adorable? I'm going to try and teach my son to do that too. I think I might also try making my own ice cream, although I'm pretty certain it won't end up tasting as good as the stuff I had today...

1 comment:

Laura Schmitt Photography said...

Welcome to the world of blogging sister! It gets addictive!